Episode 211: Two quick tips to help with IG Reels

The creativity that you can see on social media is just literally out of this world. In today's episode, Fiona shared 2 quick tips to help you with IG reels. Tune in!

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Introduction

  • Changing Category in IG

  • Used Template Button

  • Conclusion

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Resources and Recommendations mentioned in this episode:

Hello and welcome to episode 211 of the My Daily Business Coach podcast. My name's Fiona Killackey and you are going to listen to a quick tip episode today. That's really where I share a tip tool or tactic that you can implement immediately in your business. And if you are new around here, you might like to go and binge after this episode, all the other tip episodes, cuz there are over a hundred of them now and I have to say the tip episodes are our most downloaded episodes. They are the episodes that get the most DMS. And I think that is because many of you out there just want to take quick action. And so we try and create things in our tip episodes that are easy to understand and really easy to implement before I get stuck into that. I just wanna remind you that group coaching is open.

So if you wanna be part of my 12-month program, we meet every two weeks. We go through all sorts of things about your business from brand to mindset, to money, to systems, to marketing. And we have a whole bunch of amazing experts that come in and help as well from financial advisors through to lawyers through to SEO experts and so many more. So you can find out all of that at mydailybusinesscoach.com/groupcoaching, and you can apply there. We also always have people that are not in Australia, in every group. So please don't feel like, I'm not in Australia. I can't apply. Of course, you can apply. As long as you've got an internet connection, you can apply and be part of it. And we kept the group at 10 just so that everyone gets a chance to really understand and meet each other and get to know each other's businesses.

So definitely check it out. You can find it again at mydailybusinesscoach.com/groupcoaching. I also want to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians on the land of which I sit and record this podcast. And that is the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. And I pay my respects to their elders, past, present, and emerging, and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. And as a small business owner, I pledge to work in ways that really do aid in true equality for our first nations people. All right, let's get on with today's quick tip episode.

So I feel like I start every episode that has anything to do with Instagram by saying I have a love and hate relationship with social media and I really do. I love it in so many regards. I think it's incredible. The access, the opportunity, the inspiration, it's amazing. The creativity that you can see on social media is just literally out of this world. On the flip side, I work with small business owners all day long and I hear the same issues and challenges, and comparisons. And so many other things that sort of social media has brought up as well as just the daily slog of like filling in content and having to do this many reels or that many posts or however much somebody has told you out there is the perfect number, which just PS is not, there is no perfect number.

It is a myth, do not feel trapped into that. You need to align your marketing with your values and yourself as well. Anyway, before I go on to a rant about that, I wanted to say that I have been on Instagram since 2012 or 2011. No, I was definitely in London. So around that time and it's gone from the kind of Kodak, filter pictures of random things and mess and whatever to these perfectly created things to kind of back to the random mess, to all sorts of things. Now everybody knows reels have been around for years and that is what Instagram is prioritizing. So today I wanted to share two tips that have helped. Lots of my clients have helped me when it comes to reels. And they're really simple. They're really easy. And I think one of them, in particular, is quite new.

So even if you've been doing reels for ages, don't switch off, this is probably gonna be relevant to you as well. So the first thing is if you are finding it hard to see all the music, if you wanna save something and say, you seem like a little bit of audio underneath somebody else's reel. And you're like, that's really good. I'm gonna save that. Usually, you would just tap on it and you would find a button that says, save audio. Now, a couple of things around that. If you see a little arrow that is kind of pointing up next to that audio, sort of, I think it's on the left. That means that audio is trending. In which case that a lot of people are making videos. A lot of stuff's getting seen and it may well mean that you can get more, more views.

There's no guarantee. The other thing is when you click on it, you may not see save audio. You may just see that the audio's been there. You can see all the reels that people have created and you can usually see a number next to it. And that number is how many reels have been created. Now, a couple of things there, if you are, if you are kind of new and you're trying to get your reel seen or everyone's just trying to get their real seen aren't they, but you wanna make sure that there's actually a strategy behind that and it's not just views and vanity metrics, but anyway, you should be able to see how many people have created a reel from that audio. If it is between like a hundred and a thousand, that's good audio to kind of go with, if it's like crazy high, you might be a bit late to the party.

And if it's really, really low, it may mean it's just not getting attraction. So that's kind of some stuff around that. But what I wanted to actually share with you is if you can't see a save audio button, and that has happened to me a few times when I've gone to save audio and I'm like, there's no save button like I can't see it. Why can't I see it? And that actually led me to a rabbit hole of like, why can't I see this? And years or years? Well, for the last, I don't know, 18 months, two years, lots of people are like, you've got to be a creator. You can't be on a business account on Instagram. You won't be able to see everything. You've gotta be a creator. You don't actually what you might need to do and what I've done.

And actually, that has changed a lot for me in the visibility of what I can see and share is to just change the category on your bio, from whatever it has been. So mine has a business consultant, cuz they randomly don't have a business coach, which was so weird because everyone in their dog is a business coach. Anyway, if you change that category to just entrepreneur, everything is visible. So if you, as somebody who's creating reels or even just saving audio, like I've been saving audio for so long, but I wasn't able to always save every audio. Like I would, I'd be able to save some but not all. And then I'd be like, what is going on with this? And then I'd look at somebody else's phone and they could save it. And I was like, why can I not save this? And what I found, one of the quickest ways that I found was to just change the category to entrepreneur, which, I mean, it's such a like word but had to change it.

And now I can see absolutely everything. So if you're having any issues, change your category to entrepreneur, you can always change it back and see if you are no longer having issues. So that's the first tip outside of those other ones that I just gave you about the trending audio and stuff. And then the second thing that is just newer is the used template button. Now, this is something that you're not gonna see on every reel that's out there, but we all know how time-consuming these things can be to do. And what I often say to my clients is to remember you are not a publisher. You are not a content publisher. You're not going up against a major publication. You have to find a way of working with social media for your business. That is an alignment with you. So one of the things that can come up when it comes to reals or video content, in general, is that it takes so long to figure it out.

And I'm not a professional videographer and how can I make things? And so I learned this by default and I have to give a shout-out to my friend, Natasha because I created a reel on 10 books that have helped me in my business. And if you wanna find that you can see it at @mydailybusinesscoach on Instagram and just use the reels button. And what I saw there is, I put in like I found this audio, that's like a countdown, 10, 9, 8, so forth. And then I had to record each of the books and it took me ages. I'm not gonna lie. It took a lot longer than I was expecting it to take, put the audio together, filmed. I had to edit a lot and then put it up. And then minutes later my friend was like, I love it.

And she had made the same one and I was like, how did you do that so quickly? And she's like, I literally just hit used the template on your reel. And then I was just able to swap in my media and imagery and off she goes. And I was like, really? And I have now started seeing that on a lot of reels, not all, but quite often, not a lot of reels. You'll see a little button that says use template. And again, you may not see it if you haven't changed your category to entrepreneur. And if you click that, you can literally clone the same reel, but as in the audio, but as in say, if you've got audio that has images coming up on the beat on the right beat, that can be a bit tricky to like edit to that point.

So if you see one that's done really well and you’re going to use the template on that person's reel, you can literally click use template, put in different media, and way you go. And so if you wanna see how that is in action, check out the books, and reel that I've got. It's our first reel, just check it out and it'll say used template. And if you can't see the used template, change your category to entrepreneur, see if you can see it, it is just gonna make making reels so much easier. So those are some tips for you if you are creating reels. I hope they're helpful. And I hope this episode, in general, was helpful and all our tip episodes are helpful. And if you have found this helpful, I would love it so much. If you might leave a quick review for us on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you listen, it just really helps other business owners find this information and it helps us get seen as well. So thank you so much for listening, the links and anything I mentioned today will be available in text format over at mydailybusinesscoach.com/podcast/t211 as this is episode 211. Thank you so much for listening. I'll see you next time. Bye.

Thanks for listening to the My Daily Business Coach podcast. If you wanna get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram @mydailybusinesscoach.


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